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A Kept Woman Page 12
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Page 12
“Glad to oblige.”
“But hurting you is not something I am comfortable with. The spanking has been—” He paused searching for the right phrase.
“Powerful? Mind-blowing? Ego boosting?” suggested Arianne.
“No.” His brow creased as he shook his head. “I don’t need any of that. I am the head of a huge corporation. I have lots of ass-kissing employees who would drop to their knees in a second and spit-shine my shoes. No, it’s been an interlude. A change from the norm, so to speak. Which is what you’re supposed to be.”
The waitress paused nearby and waited for Derek to signal that she could approach. “Your shrimp salad, Miss. The walnut salad and sea scallops for you, Mr. Davenport. Anything else? More bread?” The wine steward poured a small amount into Derek’s glass. He tasted it and nodded his approval. The wine steward finished filling Derek’s glass and Arianne’s then both servers departed.
Arianne had barely swallowed her first mouthful of salad when an older couple approached their table. Derek wiped his mouth and stood. “Frank. You are looking tanned and relaxed.”
“Derek, my boy, selling you my company and retiring was the smartest thing I ever did.”
“Company's doing fine. Shares went up forty-two percent and I fired your vice president. Stephi, you are getting more beautiful every day. How can that be when you have to spend your life with this lazy lug?” He kissed her cheek.
“Derek, you are such a bad boy. I must speak to your mother about your behavior.” Her smile belittled the effects of her words. “Now, may I be so bold as to presume this is the Arianne whom you escorted to the art gallery opening?”
“Nothing gets past you. Yes, this is Arianne.” He turned his focus to her. “And this is Stephi and Frank Boxwain. That yacht,” Derek pointed across the harbor. “The Beloved Stephi, is their winter home. Care to join us?”
“No, thank you,” said Stephi. “We just had lunch on the yacht.”
“Well, how about for a drink at least? Frank looks parched.” Derek snapped his fingers.
Three waiters scurried over. Two of the waiters settled the Boxwain’s into chairs and placed napkins and silverware before them. The third took their drink orders and returned as the others had completed their tasks.
Not knowing how to proceed, Arianne waited until Derek had resumed eating then she picked up her fork. “How long have you been down in the islands?” asked Stephi.
“Two weeks. I seem to have gotten a bit overworked and stressed.” Derek controlled the conversation, supplying information about himself and Arianne before any embarrassing questions could be asked. Arianne filled in gaps with amusing comments, but her heart was pounding in fear. What if they knew something? Maybe they’d been at the club the other evening and had seen her being escorted by Randolph. What if Derek forgot and invited them to his house. The evidence of their morning’s activities had not been secreted away.
All her worries were in vain, drinks consumed and conversation at an end the Boxwains left the restaurant to return to their yacht. “Nice move, Derek,” said Arianne. “You got them to join us so we couldn’t continue our conversation.”
“Would you like some dessert?”
“No thank-you. You know your whole manner changes when you meet people. It’s a fake Derek. I get the real one but the world sees—”
“The politically and socially correct Derek. Frank’s vice president that I fired—it was his son. He was incompetent, so I fired him.”
“But…he seemed so friendly. Wouldn’t he be pissed at you? You bought his company and fired his son. Now his son has nothing.”
“In such a public place the fake smiles are put on and the show begins. Frank would love nothing more than to wring my neck. And Stephi is going to twist and turn everything you said or didn’t say. The interesting conversations are the ones that go on behind your back. Ready to go?” Derek opened his wallet, tossed three one-hundred dollar bills onto the table and escorted Arianne out onto the main road. “Sight seeing or shopping?”
“I’m standing here with a multimillionaire who just left a two hundred dollar tip. We’re shopping.” Arianne’s eyes lit up.
“Going to get everything you can out of me.”
She whispered in his ear. “Every last drop.”
“I have an unlimited expense account. Where to first?”
For three hours they wandered the stores. No business was left unscathed from the shopping-crazed Arianne. They tossed the purchases into the back of the jeep and collapsed onto their seats. “That was fun. I wasn’t too bad, was I?”
“That was an experience to behold,” said Derek. “I have never seen anyone purchase so many shoes in one day.”
She kissed his cheek. “Thank you. I really enjoyed myself. You are a good shopper. My mom said that most men grumble, sit outside and hope the store burns down so they can go home.”
“It was fun watching you. Such unrestrained joy.” He started the engine and headed the jeep for home. “We have time for a shower and relax then dress for dinner. Our reservation is for eight.”
“Candlelight dinner and beach-side dancing at Peko’s By the Sea.”
“Black tie.”
With a delighted giggle, she said, “I brought the dress you gave me. And my new bracelet will be perfect with it.” Arianne was quiet for a moment. “This is too much like a dream. I have a feeling that my alarm is going to go off any second and I’ll be back home. Cold, wet, slushy, yucky home.”
“I hate slush. This is real. It may be part of your fantasy but it is real.” He parked the jeep, reached around the back and hauled out their assortment of parcels.
“Let me help. I’ll carry this one.”
Derek stopped and stared at her. “That’s a diamond bracelet. Costs a lot. Weighs very little. This group is six different pairs of shoes. Costs very little. Weighs a lot.”
Holding her tiny purchase Arianne led the way into the house. “And your point is?”
Two hours later, Derek, attired in a black tuxedo, escorted Arianne, dressed in her Vera Wang, to the black limousine that had replaced his jeep. There was tenseness in the air that Arianne didn’t understand. Derek was Hollywood-romantic, but there was something she couldn’t define. Was he afraid she would embarrass him at the restaurant? She had learned how to read his signals. She wasn’t worried about the evening.
Out of the darkness, a tropical hut appeared. Not the quaint types seen on beaches but a massive restaurant. The detail was a tiny hut exploded to gigantic size, including the flaming torches. As the limousine stopped, a gloved and uniformed doorman opened the door and offered his hand to Arianne. She stepped out. Derek rounded the limousine and held out his arm. Together they walked through the archway. “Good evening Mr. Davenport. This way, please.”
The Maitre D’ led them down a few dark stairs and around a corner. They stepped into a dining room at ground level that led out onto the beach. A small orchestra was settling down. Derek held Arianne’s chair and slipped it beneath her. The Maitre D’ placed the menu on the table, informed them their waiters would arrive momentarily and after he was assured Derek and Arianne were settled, he returned to his post by the entrance.
“Good. I’ve taken the liberty of asking the chef to prepare a meal for us.”
Derek said as he settled him in his chair.
Arianne picked up the hand written menu. Her eyebrows popped up. “Eight courses?” She continued to read aloud, “Appetizer is a Parmesan cheese basket filled with a goat cheese mousse. Oh, I’ve never had goat cheese. Then, a seafood salad. The third course is a grapefruit sorbet.” She laughed. “I’ve seen that in a movie, where they eat the sorbet to cleanse the palate. I’ve never eaten in a restaurant fancy enough to do that. I’m sounding kind of small town right now.“ Her eyes sparkled when she looked up at Derek. “Everything looks wonderful. So many new things to try.”
Derek motioned to
the Maitre D’ who snapped his fingers. Two waiters arrived with the appetizer and a wine steward with three bottles of wine. Derek accepted the second bottle, which the steward then poured.
“This is spectacular,” she whispered.
“Pretend that it’s just another meal. Don’t look impressed. People can’t overhear conversations here but they can read faces. The Bronstons are over to my right and she’s trying to get him to change seats with her so she can see who you are.” Arianne turned slightly toward where Derek had indicated. The husband’s brow was furled and he was shaking his head.
When they’d finished their appetizers, Derek rose and held out his hand. “Would you care to dance?”
“I’d love to.” Arianne accepted Derek’s hand and stood. The lapping of the waves on the shore enhanced the soft melody of the orchestra. Arianne rested her head on Derek’s shoulder and followed his movements about the floor. No one else danced. Some watched but other’s pretended to ignore them. “Why is who I am so important?”
“No one knows you. You are a conversation piece. There have been bets made as to who and when I’d get married. You are sort of a loose cannon. They don’t know whether to back you or shred you into tiny pieces.”
“That makes you a very important person if everyone is so concerned about you getting married.”
Derek interrupted the tiny kisses he was running up her neck. “No,” he chuckled. “What they want to know is who is going to end up with my fortune. Who is going to have unlimited access to the Davenport bank account?”
“Well I deleted a large chunk of it today.” She glanced down at the diamond bracelet on her wrist.
“Without sounding completely arrogant, you didn’t even dent the top.”
When the song ended and Derek and Arianne returned to the table. The appetizer plates were gone and the seafood salad had been served. The salad was presented in a martini glass, with the edges of the glass rimmed with lemon juice and parsley.
Looking at the martini glass, Arianne giggled. “I feel like saying cheers!” She picked up her fork and brought the first bite to her lips. As the flavors filled her mouth, she closed her eyes and sighed. When the glass was empty, she laid down her salad fork and said, “I’d like to ask you something.”
Derek swallowed, wiped his mouth and waited.
“This afternoon, at lunch you said something like I was a change from your everyday life. At least that is what I was supposed to be.”
“Yes, my mouth does get ahead of me sometimes.”
Arianne paused while the salad plate was removed and the grapefruit sorbet was placed in front of her. “What did you mean by that? I wanted to ask you then, but got interrupted by…by Frank and his wife.”
“The Boxwains. You have to learn to remember names.”
She scooped some sorbet onto her spoon. “Okay, wait a minute. Back up. The night I saw you having coffee with some friends, I overheard them say that you are a very direct person. Someone asks a question and you answer it. Well, you just hedged.” Slipping the spoon between her lips, she felt the cool tangy burst of grapefruit. “Oh, this is good. Sorry, I interrupted you, what were you trying to say?””
“I didn’t hedge. I can’t answer your question.” Derek took the last sip of wine from his glass and placed it on the table. The wine steward appeared, filled it and disappeared in a moment.
“Or aren’t willing to. You’ve dropped hints. You have as much as said it. But when actually confronted with the moment the great Derek Davenport panics and hedges.” Arianne’s anger surfaced. “Where is that fantastic…no wrong word. Where is that super-intelligent and…and cool poker player who controls his world and everything in it? Is he suddenly lost out in space? Not in control of his life at the moment and too scared to admit it. A mere nothing of a woman has scared the great Derek Davenport.”
Finished with his sorbet, he signaled the waiter to approach. “You used that adjective already,” His voice was low and calm.
Two bowls of butternut squash soup were placed on the table. On Arianne’s soup, the chef had drawn her initial, A, with Crème Fraiche. She peeked at Derek’s soup, a double D decorated the surface.
The wine steward discretely filled their glasses then slipped away. Arianne started to speak but Derek interrupted, “No, I don’t want to continue the conversation. I said I can’t answer your question and that’s where the facts stand. All I want to do is eat my dinner, drink my wine and have some pleasant conversation.” With a submissive nod, Arianne agreed to Derek’s request.
The soup was followed by a Mesclun salad. Succulent lobster tails poached in butter and served with julienne snow peas and carrots were the main course. Dessert was chocolate ganache drizzled on warm chocolate cake which was covered with more Crème Fraiche. Arianne savored every mouthful of the new and exotic taste sensations.
During the meal, Derek focused the conversation on her. She talked about her family and growing up in a small town. Pangs of homesickness poked at her as she discussed family, friends and memories from her youth.
A respectful listener, Derek, he kept his focus on her and didn’t force his way into the conversation, except to ask a question or to prompt her to continue. He absorbed everything. He noted parents’ names, best friends and her old dog Wriggles.
By the time the meal arrived at the eighth course, a rich Columbian coffee, Arianne’s taste buds were overwhelmed and her appetite pushed to the limit. “That was the best meal I’ve ever eaten. The wine, this coffee, the sorbet—everything was incredible.”
The orchestra returned from a break and Derek stood. Arianne rose and followed him to the dance floor. As she rested her head on his chest she murmured, “Thank-you. This night has been like a fairy tale.”
With bodies pressed tightly together, they swayed in time to the music. Her breasts flattened against his chest. The beat of the second song changed and Derek skillfully maneuvered her about the dance floor. With pauses to spin her, he timed the ending of the song with a long low dip. Arianne’s eyes locked onto his gaze. Derek held her for a moment past the end of the music, then asked, “Ready to continue this at home?”
“Take me—” she sighed, “Home.”
He slowly raised her upright. Facing each other, both were aware of a deep sexual heat building between them. He lead her to the table, signed the credit card receipt and they exited the restaurant.
Chapter Thirteen
Both felt the tension build as they moved from restaurant to limousine to Derek’s bedroom. As he sat next to her on the edge of his bed, his lips peppered kisses up her neck. Tiny fires of passion burned at each point of flesh he touched. Derek’s low, commanding voice broke though to Arianne’s conscience. “I can answer the question you had in the restaurant, if you’ll answer mine?”
“All right.” Her answer wasn’t an actual response, but a breathless gasp. Derek’s hands had been massaging her shoulders until they slipped down into the bodice of her dress and began to caress her breasts.
“Whose question gets answered first?”
Arianne blinked and focused on what Derek said, not what his hands were doing. “Let’s start with your question.” She turned and began releasing buttons on his shirt. “Ask me your question and I’ll...amuse myself.” As his shirt fell open she trickled her fingertips down his chest. He shivered.
“This morning you said something to the effect of we were going to explore the limits of your pain, your submission…something like that.”
Her tongue left cool trails of wet on his warm flesh. She gently blew across his chest as she murmured, “Yes,”
“Did you really mean it? How far do you want me to go?”
“How far are you willing?” She stopped kissing his chest and stood face to face.
His hands rested on her hips. “I’m addicted to you Arianne. I want nothing more than to fulfill any and every fantasy.”
“What about you? Don’t you want your fantasies fulfilled?”
p; “Most of them have been.”
“Threesome, group sex, this way, that way. All that’s been tried. The only fantasies left are the impossible ones. Like sex on the moon. NASA has not been very cooperative.”
Arianne opened her eyes wide. “Are you serious?”
Derek chuckled. “Not the NASA part, but sex is a serious subject. Most people spend their life never having a single fantasy realized. I’ve had most of mine come true and I’m rich enough that I can make yours come true.”
Her hand reached up and caressed his cheek. “That sounded kind of jaded.”
He turned his head and kissed her palm. “A bit.”
Reaching up and slipping her hand around to the back of his head, she pushed his face toward her. When her lips met his, she felt a hunger inside her begin to grow. Opening her lips, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and tickled the end of his tongue with little flicks.
With a tight embrace, Derek pulled her body close. One hand slid up her back and he entangled his fingers in her hair. Mouth locked against his, bodies pressed together, Arianne felt as if she couldn’t breathe. She separated with a gasp, but Derek pulled her back. Both his hands moved and held her head as his mouth and tongue feasted on the delights of Arianne’s kiss.
When the kiss ebbed, Arianne opened her eyes and looked into Derek’s gaze. His voice was husky with passion. “Tell me your deepest, darkest secret and let me satisfy you.”
His eyes told her that he was speaking the truth. There were no hidden secrets or underlying agendas; he simply wanted to please her. “I’m not ready to tell my deepest secret yet. I may never reveal that to anyone.”
“Then tell me what I can do to—” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Satisfy you.”
“I am going to trust you. I’d like to play a scene.”
Derek’s brow wrinkled in confusion.
“Let me explain. Erotic fantasy is a powerful simulator.”
Derek chuckled. “You don’t have to explain that to me. I’m male remember. We invented erotic fantasy.”