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* * * *
Arianne hissed and inhaled. The contractions were frantic at first but ebbed. The pounding of her heart and lungs brought a deep passionate joy to her being.
Arianne rolled to the side and collapsed next to his legs. She slipped the dildo from between her legs and let it drop to the bed. After wallowing in her blissful state, she got up and dressed.
“Uh, are you going to untie me?”
“When I’m ready to leave.”
“I’m a little uncomfortable here.” For a moment Arianne’s heart won out but she steeled herself. “Then can I ask a question?” he asked. She nodded as she slipped on her thong. “What was that all about? I thought we had settled this yesterday.”
Stepping into her slacks, Arianne said, “We settled nothing. You decreed and assumed I would obey.” She hung her head for a moment then sat on the bed next to him. “I’m in a strange position. I’m not your girl friend, so there is no communication, affection…whatever. And if you really wanted a whore, you could’ve hired one. Every Tuesday she could meet you in your office, unzip your pants, suck you dry and leave.”
Derek blinked. “You are blunt.”
“I’m fighting for my job, Derek. Or should I say Mr. Davenport.”
He sighed. “I guess it was inevitable. I hoped it would take longer before you found out who I am.”
“You’re Derek Davenport, wealthy powerful busin—”
“Whoa. Back up. I’m not powerful. I’m not old enough. Wealth doesn’t give you instant power. I may be richer than many of the old guys, but they have that intangible element called power. They’ve established themselves and made their business and political connections. I’m only beginning to build that.”
“See we don’t do this. We don’t talk.”
He shook his head. “Talk? We aren’t dating.”
With a short snort, she rolled her eyes. “Gawd, get over that. I’m trying to understand you so I can please you. It’s my job.”
“Which you’re good at.” A satisfied smile crossed his mouth. “You blew me away Tuesday. I didn’t mean that as a pun. You caught me off guard. You were incredible. I get chills thinking about it. But later it hit me, you just blew me off. I didn’t get any sleep and I’ve been a bastard at the office all day.”
“Should I go to your office and apologize to everyone?”
“No, I pay them enough to put up with my temper.”
Arianne’s brow crinkled. “That’s not right. You shouldn’t have to pay someone to put up with you.”
“The rules change once you’re rich.”
“No I think you change them. You put up a wall of money to protect yourself from us. Why is that?”
Derek rubbed his forehead. “So you’ve gone from my…okay there is no title for you, but you’ve gone from that to my therapist.”
“Going to hide behind the wall. Well Mr. Davenport, I’m going to break down that wall and figure out what makes you tick. Then I’m going to drive you crazy.”
“I’m not sure whether that is a challenge or a threat.”
Arainne smiled. “Consider it a statement of absolute fact.”
* * * *
“So?” asked Taylor, a grin spread across his face. “How did it go today?”
“The poor boy,” said Arianne. “I gave him a massage, got him all relaxed and then I tied him to the bed.”
“Ooh, I love this kinky stuff. Does it involve whips and black leather?”
Arianne shook her head. “Way worse.”
“I don’t think my ears can handle this.” Taylor settled himself onto a kitchen chair, rested his head on his hands and waited for her story.
“Okay, I tied him up. Completely spread-eagled. I stripped and played with my breasts and…and…I’m more embarrassed telling you than I was doing it.”
His eyes opened wide as his brow popped up. “You jerked off in front of him?”
She nodded. “There is a computer there with a built-in credit card. I ordered a dildo and had it sent there. I gave it a blow job.”
“Lost here? Who got the blow job?”
“The dildo. I pretended it was him and went at it in front of him.”
“You evil witch. He must’ve been in agony. Too bad you’re a woman. If you were a man, I’d be hard as hell!”
She giggled. “I never let him touch me. He was sweating watching me.”
“Did everyone come?” Taylor’s eyes twinkled.
Arianne nodded. “Then we talked. He said even though I pissed him off on Tuesday, the blow job blew him away.”
Taylor grinned. “The cost of my dinner just went from hamburgers to prime rib.”
Chapter Five
Taylor folded his napkin and placed it on his plate. “I’m stuffed, sublimely stuffed.”
“Did you leave room for dessert? I want a piece of that double chocolate mocha cheesecake. If I don’t, I’ll dream about it for months. What? Your face went white as a ghost.”
“He’s here. Derek Davenport is heading this way.” Taylor grabbed the dessert menu and hid. “Wait! What am I doing? He doesn’t know me?”
Arianne grabbed the other menu. “Hush!” Trying to remain unnoticed, she peered over the top as she watched Derek and two companions cross from the entrance to the booth directly behind her. With a huge smile the waitress scurried past and stood waiting. Big tipper was written all over this customer.
Taylor pulled Arianne’s menu forward so he could see her and whispered, “What do we do?”
“We act normal. We have a right to be here. It’s just a crazy coincidence that we’re in the same restaurant. Christ, ten thousand places to eat in this city and he has to order coffee in the booth right behind me.” She waved her hand signaling Taylor to be silent. “I can hear what they’re saying.”
One of Derek’s companions asked, “Who was that beauty with you, in the paper, the other day? Was that Mark Crosten’s daughter?”
“Yes, but don’t get excited,” said Derek. “The girl’s chest size is three times larger than her IQ. I’m still free and unshackled.”
“Lone wolf stalking the sheep packs of this city.”
“You’ve been locked up in your office for way too long. Take a few weeks. Get laid. Play some golf,” suggested Derek, jokingly. The waitress placed their coffees on the table. “Thank-you, Maryanne.”
“My turn,” the second companion asked, “Are you being blackmailed?”
“Are you being blackmailed? Simple question, yet you hedged on the answer.”
“Not the sort of question I expected,” said Derek. “What makes you think I am?”
“Weekly withdrawals. The same amount seven or eight weeks in a row.”
“That’s my personal account.”
“I’m your personal accountant.”
“Stay out of my account.”
“Answer my question.”
Companion number one spoke up, “Weekly withdrawals and disappearances. You are a hard man to locate on Tuesdays.”
“Does that lead you to conclude I’m being routinely abducted by aliens?” The sarcasm in Derek’s voice was almost palpable.
“Derek, Phil and I have known you for way too long. We both recognize when you’re not answering a question. You are a direct person. Someone asks, you answer.”
“At what point do you become part of my private affairs and private life?”
“When we think something is going on.”
Derek sighed. “Okay, you got me. Tuesday afternoon is work out time. I met a guy and we’ve been sparring. I kick his butt. He kicks mine. My stress levels go down.”
“According to the girls at the water cooler, you were grumpier than hell a few days ago.”
“My ass got kicked. I wasn’t focused. My mind kept wandering. Years of martial arts training out the window in a second. I was angry at myself and then I was angry for getting angry.” He chuckled. “But now I’m back to kicking his butt. We scheduled a s
pecific time so I’d go. You know my life. From the moment I wake up every minute is planned out. The money is to pay for a private rental of the dojan. And to pay for his expenses and salary. He doesn’t live here. He flies in. Takes the day off. His boss was getting pissed so I covered his ass. Okay, big mystery solved. What? You don’t believe me? I promise it’s the truth on Sebastian’s wife’s life.”
“Can we watch one of these matches?”
“Hell no. That’ll be the day when he busts my ass and you two will lose that godlike awe of me,” explained Derek.
“We’ve seen you drunk. There is no godlike awe.”
The first companion chuckled. “But we do respect that fat pay check you give us.”
Derek shook his head. “Mercenaries. I’m going to head back to the office. I’m still expecting that call from Beijing and I haven’t finished reading the financial report on Gotto. There is something there that doesn’t make sense.” Derek paid the bill and the three gentlemen exited the restaurant.
A long sigh of relief escaped Arianne’s lips. “He didn’t turn you in,” said Taylor. “He lied.”
“He could have so screwed me. I bet they would have pressured him to drop me.”
“Maybe he likes being with you.”
“I’ll have to work on my IQ. Or get breast reduction surgery.” Arianne waved her hand as the waitress passed by. “Miss, our bill. Pardon?”
The waitress stopped, rebalanced her loaded tray and smiled. “Mr. Davenport covered it. He’s so good looking. Those eyes. Do you know him?”
“Yes, we are old friends. Does he come here a lot?”
“His office is up the street. He drops in a couple of times a week when he’s working late and just wants to get out of the office.” The waitress left to serve another table.
Arianne rubbed her chin. “Up the street, huh? Let’s go take a look.”
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to march in and ask to see him. I just want to see what his office tower looks like.” Arianne opened the restaurant door and stepped out. “Right or left?”
Taylor snuggled down into his winter jacket. “The waitress pointed left.”
Arms linked together, they marched through the frigid night air. One block later, a sign loomed before them--Davenport Tower. Arianne pushed the rotating door. Stepping in, she entered the office tower’s main lobby with Taylor at her heels. Polished marble and brass greeted her. Although cavernous, the lobby had the hushed tones of a library reading room. “Holy shit.” whispered Arianne.
“You took the words right out of my mouth,” replied Taylor. “You are in way over your head.”
“Let’s get out of here.” Stepping into the cold night air, she turned to Taylor. “I can’t handle this. The guy’s a bizillionaire. What am I supposed to do?”
“Ah, young grasshopper, think. Where does the pup flee to every Tuesday for the past eight weeks? Yes, to your arms.” Taylor whistled and waved. “Since he paid, you can afford a cab. How many weeks in a row do you think he dates the same girl?”
“Well it depends on the boob to IQ ratio.” She slammed the cab door, thankful for Taylor’s suggestion. The cab was stifling warm.
“Exactly. But you are special,” said Taylor. “You challenged him and stood up to him. He must respect you if he keeps coming back.”
* * * *
Arianne stepped out of the elevator and paused. She checked her watch, 1:45. She’d beaten Derek to the apartment most Tuesdays, but not today.
She removed her clothes, folded them as she went and placed them in a bundle next to the elevator doors.
The marble was cold to the touch. Arianne settled herself and waited.
“Hands clasped behind your back. Head lowered. Good. Today you respond to me as master.” After a pause, he said, “And the correct response at this point would be?”
“Yes, Master?”
He smiled. “Good guess, but you took way too long to answer. Come here.”
Hesitating, Arianne stared at him.
He nodded. “Yes you can stand and walk normally. Hands behind your back. Head lowered. Eyes down remember.”
She dropped her head.
“Since you took too long to reply, and you forgot the simplest of commands, you must be punished. Bend over the back of the couch.”
Surprised, Arianne froze in place. She suspected what was about to happen, but that hadn’t occurred since she was in diapers. Resting her hips on the back of the couch, she leaned forward.
Her buttocks quivered when Derek’s hand caressed her. “Hmm, how many spanks for being too slow? Five?” Without warning his caress switched to a swift swat of his hand.
“Oh!” Arianne felt the shudder of her buttock under the force of his slap. It wasn’t a vicious strike but a firm and forceful one.
Again his hand slapped her curved buttocks. The heat between her legs didn’t begin to build, it exploded as if a match had been placed near gas vapors. After three more strokes he added, “And for disobeying my direct commands. Tell me Arianne, how many spanks?”
“One per order I disobeyed, Master.” A short sharp slap told her the answer was incorrect. “Three per order. On each cheek.”
Again his hand connected with the bare flesh of her buttock.
Arianne gasped, then blurted out, “Do this so I will learn to obey your commands.”
The rapid flurry of strikes brought a burning sensation to her sensitive flesh. “Stand up. Walk over to the coffee table.”
Arianne glanced where to go, then lowered her head and clasped her hands behind her back.
Derek chuckled. “Good girl. See how effective a little explanation can be.”
She stood next to the coffee table, on which there were many items, but she could identify nothing—a thick towel covered everything.
“Last Thursday, while you played, I heard everything you said and also what you hinted at. I don’t want to hurt or scare you, so if I unknowingly go too far, say stop. Don’t be afraid to say it. This has got to be a trust thing. Understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
Derek reached under the towel and pulled out a dark-blue silk sash and placed it over her eyes. “Trust me?”
“Yes, Master.”
The silk pressed up against her face and wrapped behind her head. She felt the knot tighten. “Lock your fingers behind your neck. Stand with your feet apart.”
“Good girl.” As he spoke, he circled Arianne. “Now you are completely exposed and vulnerable. I can see you but you can’t see me. You don’t know where the sound of my voice will come from. Nor do you know where I will touch you.” He tickled the back of her right calf. Arianne jumped. “Naked and so vulnerable, how does it make you feel?”
“I am nervous but trusting, Master.”
“This is a very scary position. It is one in which I have never been before. It is embarrassing to be so exposed. Even to someone who has explored my entire body. But I know you will not hurt me, Master. I trust you. How may my body serve you?”
* * * *
Arianne’s ears strained to hear any sound that would identify what was happening. She was blinded by the sash. Ears alert, she heard the familiar clink of ice on glass then experienced the surprise touch of the ice cube to the flesh between her breasts. In a figure eight pattern Derek drew an ice path around one breast then over and circled the other. He repeated the pattern drawing it closer to her nipples with each pass. As the final pass neared her erect nipple, Arianne straightened her back and arched her breasts forward, but the ice retreated. The expected touch of ice on her hot nipples did not happen.
“Stay like that. Don’t move.”
Again she heard the clink of the ice. She waited. A cold drop of water landed on her right nipple, rolled around it and dribbled down her breast. Another drop of melted ice dripped on her, followed by a surprise drip on her left nipple. Ari
anne tried to guess where the drops would land, but Derek kept the pattern random - five drops on her left nipple before any on her right.
There was a pause in the drops as Arianne heard him rubbing his hands to warm them. The silence in the room was most disturbing. The thick carpet muffled his movements across the room. Arianne suspected he was deliberately cautious to make no sound so everything he did would be a surprise. The eroticism of that had not lost its importance on her. Her body was taut with anticipation awaiting the next sound, sensation or command.
An intense warmth neared her left breast.
“And what is the opposite of cold?”
She did not have time to respond when a sharp, burst of heat encased her left nipple. The warmth neared her right breast. Arianne arched her chest forward.
“Let’s try this again. And what is the opposite of hot?”
A splash of ice water poured down her right breast, rolled over the curve and dribbled to her belly. “Wrong.” He sighed. “First you don’t answer me and then you don’t listen to the question. I think it is time for some more instruction.”
Arianne bit her lip to hide the smile.
“Turn around,” he instructed. “Bend over and place your hands out. You’ll find the coffee table. Spread your legs.” His hand caressed her right buttock and slid into the moist heat between her legs. “Mmm, nice. You know, I think you should decide your punishment. How many strokes?” His hand continued gliding down her backside, sliding through the crevice, lingering in the moistness then up the other cheek. “You’re allowed two suggestions—more please or enough. Understand?”
“Yes, Master.” She arched her ass placing it in perfect strike range of his hand. “More please, Master.” With a resounding crack his hand struck her buttocks. After the initial jolt of pain, a tingle shot through her body. “More.”
* * * *
By the tenth stroke Derek was could feel a light sweat forming on his brow, caused not only from the exertion, but also from the pink tinge that was beginning to glow on Arianne’s ass. He alternated from striking one cheek then the other or hitting both at the same time. The muscles in his shoulder were starting to ache, but only one phrase kept escaping Arianne’s lips, “More, please.”