A Kept Woman Page 5
As the decisive stroke shook her buttocks, Arianne collapsed to her knees and gasped, “Enough, Master.” Derek’s arm hung by his side. He rolled his head and shoulder trying to relieve some of the cramp burning there.
“Stand up and relax,” he said. Panting and trembling, Arianne forced her legs to obey. “Better?” She nodded.
“Good. Back down.”
* * * *
She froze. Did he want more?
“Don’t make me repeat myself.”
She placed her hands on the coffee table and braced herself. The next sensation was not a painful strike, but a soft kiss on her burning flesh.
“It is so pink. And hot.” He scattered tiny kisses all around as his hands pressed her thighs open. She felt his tongue begin to explore her sex. “You like being punished,” he said. “You are so wet.”
Arianne could do little more than groan out her answer. Her body had become one large conductor. Every one of his touches, by hand, lips or tongue, directed a current of electric passion straight into her groin. Shivers raced through her body. Her heart pounded. His tongue flicked at that one place between her legs. Her knees buckled. It was a struggle to remain standing. With each touch of his tongue her hips arched back and forth. If he would only enter her, but she dared not to ask. Then he stopped. Arianne ears strained to hear the familiar sound of his zipper, instead she heard, “Stand up.” After a moment a realization dawned on her. He wasn’t going to satisfy her. It had only been a tease.
His fingers peeled the drop of wax off her nipple. “Bedroom. No, the other way.”
He held her hand and led her across the room. “Undress me.”
Her hands reached out for him, stopping when her fingertips touched his chest. She slid her hand up his tie. His hand slipped between her legs. His thumb planted on her clitoris and two fingers slid up into her wet pussy. Incessantly, he worked her.
It took all of Arianne’s concentration to undo the knot in his tie and remove it. She held it in her hand not knowing what to do. It should be properly hung up, but she was unable and unwilling to walk.
“Drop it.”
As she undid the buttons on his shirt the pressure between her legs grew. Her fingers slid up his chest until they found his shirt and slipped it off. “Cuff links.” She dropped the shirt as far as it would go then fumbled trying to release his cuffs. Both dropped to the floor and with a gentle tug his shirt followed.
Ecstasy took her by surprise. Arianne’s body convulsed around his hand. Her knees buckled. His arm felt strong as it caught, and held her, but his other hand never stopped stroking her. “Derek!” The pleasure of the orgasm began to ebb. His hand slipped from inside her. He guided her to the bed. “Lay down. Relax.” She heard him remove the rest of his clothes and snuggle in next to her. She could feel his hardness press up against her leg.
“May I speak?”
“Yes.” There was a chuckle in his voice. He undid the sash.
She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight. “That was incredible. I have never felt such…intensity. My body felt like a one giant nerve the whole time.” She kissed his chest.
He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. “If I could grant you one wish, what would it be? What would make things perfect?”
Arianne studied his eyes. They were serious. It was an honest question he was asking. She didn’t need to think. She knew what she desired but would he agree? “It is a simple thing.”
“Good. I’m best at solving simple problems.”
“It is something we have never done.” She lowered her eyes. “All I’d like is a kiss.”
Silence was Derek’s reply. She glanced up. He caught her chin. His lips parted as they neared hers. His eyes were locked onto hers. The moment their lips met Arianne knew what she had suspected to be true. She had fallen in love with Derek Davenport. No longer did she want to continue her original idea of making him fall in love with her. Now she wanted to please him—to satisfy his every desire and to be satisfied by him. Society’s common goal of catching a rich man was replaced by an intense desire to do nothing more than serve him.
His lips kissed more than her mouth. They roamed her body with a passion she hadn’t experienced with him. He seemed almost out of control.
Again they went between her legs, but this time when they drove her to that moment of ecstasy they let her give in to it.
But he did not let her revel in her bliss. Instead he pressed opened her thighs and slipped his cock inside her. He bent down, placed a hand behind her head and pulled her face to his. As he pounded himself in her, his tongue explored her mouth. Arianne could only focus on the sensations he inflamed within her.
His pounding was relentless. He would not release himself. Releasing her mouth, he let her lay back. Her hand found her clit, wet from the day’s playing. Circling and rubbing it produced long moans of delight. Her hips arched up driving him even deeper inside her. Her nipples stood tall and firm and enticing to his mouth. He sucked one then the other. “Come on, Arianne,” he panted.
With a few last powerful thrusts he exploded deep inside her as she convulsed around him, gripping and releasing him. She opened her eyes. His were closed, reveling in the release. When his thrusts had slowed, he lowered his head and rested it on her chest. His hot breath brushed her stomach. He kissed her breast as he slid out of her semen filled pussy. Stretching out beside her, he wrapped an arm over her stomach and closed his eyes.
Intertwined, they slept.
Chapter Six
The sound of a shower filtered into to Arianne’s darkness. Her body refused to move. Her muscles had liquefied. Nondescript sounds aroused her curiosity and she forced her eyes to open. Derek was dressed and was sliding his watch band over his wrist. Her yawn attracted his attention. He sat next to her. “Welcome back. Your lights were really out.”
“What time is it?” she mumbled.
“A little after six.”
She bolted upright. “Good heavens! Taylor will be panicked.”
“So that’s his name. The person you were having supper with last week.”
“He’s my roommate.” She tossed back the covers. “I should call and let him know I’m all right.” Derek stopped her from climbing out of the bed by handing her his cell phone. While she dialed, he walked out of the room. “Hi Taylor, it’s me. I’m fine. I’m at his place. I’ll see you when I get home.”
Dressed in a bed sheet she walked into the living room. Any evidence of their activities had been removed and Derek crossed the room with her clothes in his hands. “This is a bit off the cuff, but would you like to go out for dinner? We can get to know each other better. Like you accused me of not doing.”
Arianne’s eyes lowered. Accepting her clothes she said, “Well I’m not dressed for eating out at a place you’d eat at.”
“I rather like the Roman toga thing you’ve got going there. But no, you aren’t dressed for dinner this evening. Have you got something formal?”
Arianne didn’t have to ask, the puzzled expression that crossed her face was clear enough.
“There’s a banquet for the opening of the new art gallery. I am a patron so I—”
“You mean…I’d never fit into one of those functions! That’s the snobby elite of this city. The mayor, the Governor and...and people like that will be there.”
“Actually, I believe the Vice President is attending.”
“What?” The word sounded more like a mouse squeak than a human voice.
“The beneficiary to the gallery was an old friend of the V.P.” Derek tried to hide the smile on his face.
Her momentary panic was uncharacteristic of her normal controlled self.
Arianne’s sheet slipped and Derek’s gaze settled on the patch of exposed upper thigh. “So you’d like to go?”
The pleasant thought of spending an evening with Derek outweighed the fear of not fitting in at an elite social function. “I’d love to but I’ve nothing t
o wear. It has to be pretty formal if the Vice President is going to be there. Black tie type of thing?”
Derek nodded.
“I have nothing like that.”
He glanced at his watch. “There isn’t time to shop. Even so, get dressed and we’ll see what we can do.” As she shut the bedroom door, Derek called out, “Although I think you’d be a sensation if you went in that bed sheet.”
Moments later they drove across the city. Evening had fallen and the city lights tried to glow through the swirling mass of falling snow. “I think this has been the worst winter yet. I have never seen this much snow,” quipped Derek.
“I have. I grew up north of here. Moved here to go to art school.”
“Born here. I love this city. Except in the winter.”
“Where are we going?” They’d passed through the downtown business core.
“Right here.” He turned into an underground parking garage and parked in one of four places marked, Reserved D. Davenport. He tossed his keys to a nearby attendant. “I’ll be driving it tomorrow.”
“It’ll be ready, Sir.”
Arianne followed Derek into the elevator. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed. “Have the limo in front in twenty-five minutes.” After a swift ride, the doors opened onto an oak paneled entrance way.
Derek nodded and opened the door at the other end. Arianne stepped into a room she had only seen in a movie. The grandeur before her made their little love nest apartment seem small and insignificant. A woman entered from another room. “Good evening, Sir. I was about to call and remind you of the banquet.” There was a motherly tone to her voice.
“Arianne this is Gail. She keeps tabs on me the way Taylor does for you. Gail, Arianne needs something to wear for this evening.”
“Follow me please Miss Arianne.” Gail led her to a bedroom. She opened the closet and glanced back at Arianne. She removed three dresses; a long blue evening gown, a short red dress and a black cocktail dress.
“They’re beautiful,” said Arianne. “But I have no idea what I will need. I’ve never done this before. I’m just a regular person.”
* * * *
Gail smiled. Derek had informed her about his evening plans and the surprise for Arianne. He asked her to purchase all the necessities to make this a special moment. Having worked for Derek for many years, Gail knew, even if her employer didn’t, that this young lady was not just a regular person. “Well, let’s see. Try these shoes on.” She handed Arianne a pair of black shoes. Arianne’s finger slid across the Jimmy Choo label as she slipped her foot into the black stilettos. “Can you walk in them?” Arianne did a little runway walk, turned and smiled.
Reaching into the closet, Gail paused, glanced back appraisingly at Arianne and pulled out a short black cocktail dress. “I’d suggest this. With your figure, that is a perfect dress. There is a screen over there you can change behind.”
* * * *
Arianne removed her clothes and placed them on a dresser nearby. She bit her lip to keep from squealing as she read the Wang label on the dress before she slipped it over her head. It molded to her form. Of course it would. It was a Vera Wang. It would be perfect.
When she’d finished dressing, Arianne stepped out from behind the screen. A smile passed over Gail’s face. “I knew it would be perfect. Now, to your hair and makeup.” She suggested a chair by the vanity. “I think a French braid would look fitting and it would show off your lovely back. With a string of silver crystals beads woven through.” With long strokes, she brushed Arianne’s hair and braided it, intermixing the long strands with the string of crystal beads.
Embarrassed with the personal attention, Arianne tried to start a conversation. “Have you been working for Derek long?”
Gail smiled. “I have known Mr. Davenport since he was a baby. He was the cutest baby I’ve ever seen. Don’t tell him I said this, but he didn’t have a speck of hair on his head.”
Arianne giggled.
“I was his nanny until he decided he was too old for one and became his housekeeper. There, your hair is done. Makeup, next.” With a gentle touch, Gail added a fine layer of color to Arianne’s eyes, cheeks and lips. “One last thing.” She placed some pearl earrings and a necklace on the dresser next to a bottle of perfume.
“Thank-you,” said Arianne. “I couldn’t have done my hair and makeup this fast or efficiently.”
“You look beautiful. He’ll be wonder struck.”
“Oh, no. We’re just friends.”
Gail smiled and left Arianne to finish dressing.
After dabbing some perfume onto her neck and wrists, Arianne stepped into the living room.
Dressed in a formal tuxedo, Derek was standing in front of his wall-sized TV watching a news clip. He turned. His eyes widened in appreciation. A smile broke across his face. “You look incredible.” Arianne felt the blush burn her cheeks. She wasn’t the only incredible vision in the room. Derek had always looked handsome in his business suits, but his appearance in a tuxedo screamed sexy.
As he reached for his overcoat, Arianne looked for her winter jacket. Gail appeared beside her with a long black dress coat and a beaded handbag. Lastly she handed her a department store bag. Glancing inside, Arianne saw her neatly folded clothes. “Thank-you. For everything.”
“It was a pleasure, Miss.”
Derek held the door for her. Arianne walked through the door and as she smiled at him, she noticed the surreptitious wink he gave his housekeeper.
Gail called out, “Have a good evening Mr. Davenport. Miss Arianne.”
The elevator doors closed. Derek handed her his cell phone. “Call Taylor and let him know you’ll be home late. We are going to the W. T. Markham Art Gallery opening, just off Forty-fifth.”
She dialed. “Hi, it’s me again. I’m going to be home late. You won’t believe this. I’m going to an art gallery opening. Yes. Yes. I will. Bye.”
Chuckling, Derek asked, “Does Taylor at least like me?”
“Yes, when he found your picture in the paper he was hoping you were bi.”
Derek laughed and shook his head.
“But he is my friend and he’s suspicious of your intentions. So am I.”
“Why, does he think I’m out to seduce you?”
Arianne debated whether or not to mention the little wink she saw him give his housekeeper.
Derek interrupted her thoughts. “My intentions are to have another boring evening chatting with a bunch of snobs who don’t want to be there. And eat another of the same banquet type meal and cut a ribbon. The only salvation to this evening will be you.”
Instead of the parking garage, the elevator doors opened onto the main lobby. A polished, mauve-colored, marble floor expanded out in front of her. Arianne followed Derek through the lobby. He held the door open. As she passed by him, she caught a whiff of his musky cologne. Rich, good-looking and smells sexy, what more could a woman want in a man.
The chauffeur held the door open. Arianne slipped inside. As she scooted across the seat, she heard Derek say, “Evening Johnson. W. T. Markham Art Gallery, please.”
The chauffeur nodded, closed the door and quickly entered the car before pulling away from the curb.
Having never been in a chauffeur driven a car, Arianne tried to keep herself from giggling like a high school prom date as she discovered things like the built in bar. “What did you mean I’d be the only salvation?”
Derek’s brow wrinkled in confusion.
“You said, earlier, that I’d be the only salvation this evening. I’m rather nervous about this. I’ve seen a lot of movies where the girl tries to fit into upper society but fails. Miserably I might add. Total humiliation is not one of my favorite things.”
“Just be you. There is no hiding the fact that you are not one of us. Everybody who is anybody knows everyone. And don’t ask me to say that again. As to being my salvation, I can spend the evening listening to your stories rather than the ones I
’ve already heard ten times. But I do suggest—” He paused, scratched his chin, then said, “that you stay close to me. There may be former or wannabe girlfriends there and they can be catty. It is a refined art to these women.”
“Now, I’m even more scared. I’ve…only dreamed of doing something like this.”
“Do as I do and act like I do. If there are fifteen pieces of silverware wait until I pick one up and copy me. If you screw up they’ll be condescendingly pleasant. They’ll expect you to. You are beneath us.”
Arianne started to speak.
“But in reality, Arianne, you are levels above us. You are real. You’re driven and resourceful and you seem to be a loyal friend to Taylor. We aren’t allowed to be ourselves. We must be seen as being what we are supposed to be. Most of the crowd fits quite nicely that way. I’m the rebel. I’d rather be in a smoky bar, watching a hockey game and drinking beer. We’re here.” He placed his hand on Arianne’s neck and pulled her close. His lips pressed against hers. “Relax,” he whispered. “You look beautiful and I am very happy to have you with me this evening. I won’t let anything happen.”
As the chauffeur opened the door a blast of cold winter air entered the car. Derek exited and held out his hand to Arianne. When she stepped next to him, she was blinded by TV cameras and camera flashes. Her hand tightened on his. She hadn’t thought about the press attending the event. Looking straight ahead, she saw a path cut straight between her and the art gallery door. If she ran really fast, she could make it in a couple of seconds.
Derek squeezed her hand and walked toward the entrance. Arianne looked at nothing, but the uniformed and gloved doorman who opened the large glass door. Once inside, she realized she’d stepped out of the proverbial pan and into the fire. Before her was a crowd of black tuxedos, evening gowns and glittering diamonds. Derek leaned close. “We head over there and give our coats to the girl then we get a drink. We sip the drink. Sip, can you say sip?
With pursed lips she nodded. Her trembling fingers fumbled and her beaded Prada clutch fell to the floor with a loud thump. Arianne froze. How could she do something so stupid? She waited for the roar of humiliating laughter from the other guests.