A Kept Woman Page 8
“You just doubled your sexy level. Sixty million.” She shook her head, eyes wide with amazement. “These are numbers beyond my comprehension. I’d be excited if I won fifty dollars. Hey, my eyes are up here. You were staring at my chest.”
Derek blinked. “Uh, no. I was thinking.”
“No thinking, unless it is about my chest.”
“I wasn’t, but why don’t you take your shirt off.”
She smiled. “Why?”
“Because I asked.”
“Did you ask as my boss and master?”
“No. I asked as the guy who likes to look at you. To touch you. To suck on those tender nipples.”
“I guess for such a sweet answer I could.” She started to pull up her sweater then stopped. “No, you can take it off.”
Derek knelt in front of her. He slipped his fingers under her sweater and slid them up her belly and chest as he pulled the sweater up and over her head. His right hand slid up her left arm to her shoulder. He hooked her bra strap in his finger and pulled it downward. His left hand started at her neck and slid down her arm bringing the bra strap with it. He reached behind and undid the clasp. The bra fell away from her. She tossed it aside. His hands reached for her breasts.
“Ah! I said you could undress me. I didn’t say you could fondle me. You have to ask first.”
His eyebrows rose in surprise. “Please Arianne, may I suck those incredible nipples? May I fondle and kiss those voluptuous breasts? May I caress you with my fingers and cup your breasts feeling their fullness?”
Before she had completely nodded, Derek’s mouth was on her breast. With a wild hunger, he sucked her nipple to a firm erect state. His mouth left no area of breast unloved. As his kisses moved toward her belly, she stopped him. “No. No. I said breasts only.”
“God woman! You frustrate me!” He fell back and rubbed his face. “You drive me wild. Get me all hot and then slap me down.”
“And that’s why you love me.” The sentence slipped from her mouth.
Derek’s face turned dark for a moment. “No Arianne, I can’t love you.”
“Why not? Are you married?”
“So I ask again, why can’t you love me?”
“This is going to get ugly. I’m going to say shut up and make love to me. You are going to say no. I’m going to say why don’t I pay you enough? You’ll try and slap me. We’ll have a huge fight and then I’ll fire you. So instead I’ll get the hell out of here.” He stood up and located his cell phone then his shirt. Slipping it over his head, he looked for his shoes.
As his finger reached for the elevator call button Arianne appealed, “Stay.”
“I can’t.”
“Why not? It’s a simple request.”
“Because every cell in my body is screaming for me to stay and make love to you. To spend the night curled up next to you and wake up wrapped up in your arms. And I can’t let that happen.” The doors opened and he stepped inside. He did not turn and glance back as the doors closed.
When her tears subsided, Arianne snuggled down into a large empty bed. Derek’s words I can’t love you echoed in her head. As she was dozing off Arianne’s eyes popped open and she sat up. Aloud to the room she said, “I can’t love you. He said can’t. He didn’t say, `I don’t love you.’ Derek loves me.” A warm glow passed through her. “Derek Davenport is in love with me.” She closed her eyes and fell asleep to the wonderful dreams that sentence conjured up.
* * * *
Dropping her grocery bags at her feet, Arianne pulled the envelope off her door. Her name was on the front, but she did not recognize the handwriting. She unlocked her door and dragged the groceries inside. “Hello. I’m home.” Silence was the reply. She tore open the envelope. “Good heavens.” The letter was an invitation to have coffee at four o’clock at the most prestigious private ladies club in the city. I wonder what Momma Davenport wants and more importantly what the hell am I going to wear? Hey, wait a minute. How’d she know where I…oh the chauffeur. She chuckled softly. Guess Derek was right. I should have taken a cab.
It took ten minutes to find a suitable pair of slacks and a sweater. Arianne’s wardrobe was not that extensive, but it took three hours for her to build up enough courage to leave her apartment.
Pulling on the solid wood door, Arianne entered the domain of the female elite. The Ladies Club was an exclusive restaurant serving only members and their guests. The Maitre D’ stood imposingly before her. “I am meeting Caroline Davenport,” said Arianne.
“Last name?”
“Mrs. Davenport doesn’t know my last name.”
He glanced down his list of guests. “Follow me please. Mrs. Davenport is in the Blue Room today.” Entering the club was like walking into an old library. The walls were paneled with a rich dark wood. They gleamed from their daily polishing. Arianne’s footsteps echoed on the marble floor until the colorful carpets muted them. The atmosphere was hushed. Voices were heard but at a low whisper. The Maitre D’ paused and opened a large white door revealing the Blue Room.
A hostess stepped forward. “A guest with Mrs. Davenport. Arianne. No last name.” The ridicule dripped off his voice.
“Follow me please.” The hostess led her across the room and presented her to Derek’s mother. “Mrs. Davenport.”
“Ah, yes, hello Arianne. I see you found the place. So good of you to join me. Please, have a seat. Coffee for two please, Theresa.”
Arianne sat and waited. She was not sure what she was supposed to say and she refused to walk into a trap. She would let Derek’s mother take the lead. “I can play the proper hostess and chat about anything for the appropriate length of time or I can cut the niceties and go right to the reason I asked you here. My son, what are your intentions with him?”
Trying to keep her face as neutral as possible, Arianne said, “We’re friends, nothing more.”
“How shall I put this tactfully? I don’t believe you. I watched you two at the art gallery opening. I watched him watching you. I saw you slip away to a quiet room. The quaint story my son made up, while it was amusing, was a bold-faced lie. No one seems to know anything about you. You suddenly appeared on the arm of my son. Do you know who I am?”
Feeling like a little girl being chastised by her teacher, Arianne dug up some courage. “You are Derek’s mother. You’re playing the part of an enraged lioness protecting her cub. But, your cub happens to be twenty-eight and fully capable of looking after himself.”
“What do you know about my son?”
“I know two things. One, he is very unhappy right now and two, I haven’t seen or heard from him in a while.”
Caroline failed to hide the effect of the shock of Arianne’s statement. “Explain to me why you think Derek is unhappy.”
After two coffee cups and a large silver coffee pot were deposited on the table, a tray of small sandwiches and desserts was placed in the center. The waitress filled their coffee cups with a heady smelling coffee. When she left, Arianne answered Caroline. “Derek is unhappy with his position.”
“He’s the head of a powerful international conglom—”
Arianne waved her hand. “I know all that and so does he. But he is only twenty-eight and he’s been doing the job since he was twenty-four. He’s not ready for the role. He’d be happier if he were vice president. Fewer responsibilities.” The coffee filled Arianne’s mouth with its intense flavor. “Mmmm. This is excellent. He bought the company to prove himself and to keep you in the luxury you’d become accustomed to. And now he’s stuck. The idea of chucking it all and going native—like his father—appeals to him.”
“Davenport men. They care too much and burn out too quickly.” Caroline put down her coffee cup and wiped the corner of her mouth with her linen napkin. “A straight answer please, do you love my son?”
nbsp; “Are you the reason he left Kelli?”
She shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. When I met Derek, he was looking for someone who wasn’t…a socialite. He wanted a real woman. He’d been hurt and was angry. I couldn’t believe he was interested in me. He’s good looking, smart and rich; what every girl dreams of. But as I got to know him I didn’t want to marry him because he was a prize.” Arianne bit into a tiny cucumber sandwich, swallowed and said, “I got to know the real person. He let me take a peek. He’s actually two people. Mr. Davenport runs a multinational company. Derek likes to stay home and scarf pizza while watching a hockey game.”
“Do what?” asked Caroline. “Scarf a pizza?”
Arianne explained the term then sipped some coffee. “Derek’s already said we can only be friends. He explained how I wouldn’t fit into his society. I’ve accepted that.”
Caroline moved her chair next to Arianne’s. She placed her hands near Arianne’s cheeks. “May I?” Arianne nodded. “Tell me my son’s name?”
“Derek Davenport.”
She moved her chair back. “Yes, he is right. You would not fit into our society. You are too earthy and you wear your heart on your sleeve. Many of us would stab that heart. Some would do it to your face. Others, the truly wicked ones, would do it behind your back. Now, onto the second part of your statement, you have not seen or heard from Derek for awhile. As far as I know he has been in town the whole time. Did you expect to see him?”
Naturally, Arianne kept the truth to herself. “Yes, he stood me up. No explanation.” For the past three Mondays she had received a message with a check - Can’t attend. Derek. A simple message, but not very informative.
Caroline sipped her coffee, lost in her thoughts. “I want the truth of how you met my son.”
Arianne shook her head. “That’s private between us. I think it would be very wrong of me to tell you. At least not without discussing it with Derek first.”
“You call him Derek. At least you are not a company secretary. I’d hate for him to fall in love with one of them.”
A puzzled look crossed Arianne’s face. “Why do you say that?”
Putting down her coffee cup, Caroline calmly said, “Because he’s in love with you.” Arianne started to speak, Derek’s mother waved her hand to silence her. “I am his mother. I know he does. His pupils dilate when he says your name. If he had said anyone else’s name, nothing would have happened. He’s in love with you, all right. Although he may not have admitted it to himself yet.”
Arianne tilted her head to the side. “Davenport stubbornness?”
Caroline smiled. “He is his father’s son. He may look like me, but he has his father’s personality. I think I will allow you to continue your relationship with Derek. But if I find you…let me rephrase that. I will shred you into little pieces if you break my son’s heart.”
“I’m not sure I like you, but if Derek has lost his head over you I will let the affair run its course. You are probably a temporary affection. Although, he does not lose his heart easily. I will give you a chance, but expect no help from me.”
“But you won’t get in my way?”
“I am the least of your worries, Arianne. There are dozens of young women who consider him fair game. It is they you must concern yourself with.” Caroline stood. “Well it has been a pleasure chatting with you.” She held out her hand. Arianne stood and shook it. “We must do this again sometime. Theresa, on my account.” And with a wave, Caroline left Arianne standing.
Arianne watched Caroline leave. Why do I feel like the Queen just left and I am excused? She walked through the club searching for the entrance. The Maitre D’ held the door for her. It closed with a firm finality.
* * * *
Caroline exited her limousine and entered the Davenport office tower. She pressed the private elevator button and was whisked to the seventy-eighth floor. “Is he in?” she demanded of Derek’s personal secretary.
“Yes, Mrs. Davenport.”
“Yes, Mrs. Davenport.”
Caroline opened his door and stepped in. Derek was standing by the large window looking down. “Good afternoon Derek. You won’t find her by looking out the window.”
Derek turned. “Hello Mother. Find who?” He walked over, kissed his mother on the cheek then sat in his chair and put his feet up on his desk.
“The woman of your dreams. You won’t find her looking out the window. You are up too high.”
Derek’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you here? Did we have a luncheon date or something?”
“What, a mother cannot drop in and visit her son?”
“Not you. You only visit me when you have an ulterior motive. So ‘fess up. What is it?”
“Actually, I am kicking you out of here.”
Laughing, Derek caught his feet from slipping off the desk. “You’re kicking me out of my office?”
“Yes, your office. And your business tower and your apartment.”
“Some sort of mutiny I don’t know about?”
“I am taking over the company and you are going away. I suggest the islands. You need a tan. You need to get sand inside your shorts. Sunburn your nose.”
He rubbed his face and sighed. “I can’t just get up and walk out of here.”
“Yes you can and will. If something needs a Davenport signature, I will sign. Hand over your cell phone. Derek! Obey me. I am your mother. Something is bothering you. Go sit on a beach and sort out your life. And if there is someone special, take her along.” She snapped her fingers. “Cell phone.”
Derek pushed it across the desk. Caroline pressed the intercom button. “Mrs. Templeton, please call the pilot and tell him to have the plane ready in two hours. Derek will be flying down to our place in St. Thomas.”
He walked over and kissed his mother’s cheek. “You are certifiably crazy. You do know that.”
“And you are taking this responsibility stuff way too personal. The company has good people. It will run itself.” She paused for a moment. “I don’t want you to do the same thing your father did. You have to let go and live a little.”
Derek paused at the door. “Love you Mom.”
“I love you too, Derek. Have fun. And don’t you even think about this place. Now scat.”
With a smile on his face, Derek closed his office door and severed his link to responsibilities. He felt a rush of freedom. “Mrs. Templeton, cancel everything. I am out of here!”
Chapter Nine
After checking out the hot UPS courier, Taylor smiled, turned and said, “You have a package.” Arianne glanced up from the television. “UPS is here with something for you to sign for.”
She rolled off the sofa and strolled over to the door. The courier handed her a large envelope and a computer notebook then showed her where to sign. After closing the door, she wandered back to the sofa examining the envelope. “No return address.” She plopped back into her seat.
“Were you watching this?” asked Taylor.
“Mmmm? No, it was just on.” She opened the envelope and three items fell out. She opened the one with the American Airline logo on it. “It’s a first class ticket to the Virgin islands for…March twenty-ninth. That’s this Friday.”
“Well then it must be from lover boy. He’s the only one you know who could afford to fly you first class.”
Arianne picked up the second item. It was a folded piece of paper. She opened it and found a hand written letter. After glancing at the bottom, she said, “It’s from Derek.”
“What does he say?”
Arianne did not immediately reply. “That bastard! He wants me to fly down and join him. He apologizes for his request not being in person, but he didn’t want to fly back up here. This is so like him! He expects me to pack up and fly down there because he wants me to.”
“Well he has paid your salary for the past four weeks without getting any. He could be getting horny.”
“He can get any female he wants.” She tossed the letter onto the floor.
“Maybe he doesn’t want any female. Maybe he wants you. No. No. Think about this. You and he got too close and you both let your feelings show. The way I see it is, he was too stressed out to deal with you and so he took off to get his head cleared up. Now, that he’s chilled out he wants to make up.”
“Probably make out.” She picked up the third item and showed it to Taylor. “One platinum card with my name on it. Guess I get to buy whatever I want.”
“I’d start in the diamond section if I were you.”
Arianne laughed. “That would cause a reaction, if I strolled up to him dressed only in diamonds.”
“You aren’t tanned enough. Try it after you’ve been down there for a couple of weeks.”
She corrected him. “If I go down.”
“I know it’s pretty crude, but what’s the harm in it.” Taylor picked up the airline ticket. “You can refuse him and have a relaxing free vacation in the islands. He wouldn’t force himself on you. He’s too much of a gentleman. What have you got to lose?”
“You do have a point there. He and I should end this one way or another. Make up or break up. I don’t know. I need to think about this. I’m gonna go work out. Have to think this out.”
“If you need an ear to talk to.”
“Thanks.” She grabbed her workout bag and coat and headed out of the apartment and down to the subway. An hour on the elliptical, a quick shower and a dull subway ride back helped calm her mood and allowed her to focus and make her decision.
* * * *
Reading her magazine, Arianne felt the pressure change in her ears as the plane began its descent. She tossed the magazine onto the empty seat next to her and gazed out the window; no sign of land, only miles of deep blue Caribbean Sea. She could almost smell the salty air and feel the hot sun.
It had been a busy two days, planning, purchasing and packing, but she was ready for her meeting with Derek. She knew what she wanted to say and what she needed to do.
A tiny speck of land appeared on the horizon. It grew in size as the airplane commenced its final approach. With a solid bump the tires touched the tarmac and the plane screeched to a standstill. After the long taxi to the terminal, the doors were opened and the first class passengers were allowed to disembark. When she stepped out onto the stairs, Arianne felt the heat of the Caribbean sun. She closed her eyes and tilted her face up to the sky.