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A Kept Woman Page 9

  Derek was the first thing she spotted when she entered the main terminal. Tanned and looking relaxed, his face broke into a small grin when he saw her. At that moment her calm composure dissolved. What would he say to her? What should she say? She momentarily panicked as she realized she hadn’t thought about the actual first meeting—how to get past that initial awkwardness. They weren’t strangers, but they had hit a rough patch. Would he kiss her? Should she let him? Arianne wanted to run back onto the plane and have a moment to think. But that wasn’t to be.

  In three steps, Derek stood next to her at her side. His hand reached for her suitcase. He controlled the conversation with sophisticated poise. She answered as if on automatic. The flight was wonderful. The weather back home terrible. The island seemed lovely. Nice tan.

  He placed her suitcase in the back of a jeep and held the door for her. As they drove along the winding road, the wind swept Arianne’s hair back and cooled her face. With the top down, conversation proved difficult. Forced into silence allowed Arianne a chance to enjoy the scenery. She’d never been on a tropical island before and had never smelled the ocean air. The road followed the shoreline with its miles of white sand and deep blue sea.

  “Stop,” she shouted. Derek pulled over. “Can we go there? I’ve never really seen the ocean. You know, run in it. Get my feet wet.”

  Derek stopped next to a small deserted bay. He drove the jeep further off the road and shut down the engine. Arianne hopped out and headed toward the water. She stopped, undid her shoes and tossed them back into the jeep. Rolling up her slacks, she said, “I know I’m not dressed for this, but I can’t wait.”

  “You could grab a pair of shorts and change.”

  “No, I just want to get my feet wet.” The sand crunched under her feet. She paused at the edge of the water. The waves touched her toes. “Do we have to be somewhere or can I stand here and enjoy this?”

  Derek held out both his arms. “No watch. No cell phone. No computer. I haven’t read a stock report or watched CNN in a week. Since you have arrived, I assume the rest of the planet still exists.”

  “No wonder you look so relaxed. This is wonderful.” She stared out at the ocean and inhaled deeply. A salty, fishy aroma filled her lungs and pushed out the last of the frigid, dirty city air. She stepped forward until she stood ankle deep in the water. Reaching down she dipped a finger into the ocean and then licked it. “I bet everybody does and says this, but it really does taste salty.”

  Derek chuckled but didn’t reply.

  Aimlessly, Arianne wandered along the beach, pausing to pick up a pretty shell or watch a school of tiny fish scurry away from her.

  * * * *

  Derek did not join her. He sat on the beach and watched, aware of the wonder of her fascination and the newness of the moment for her. He was content she was on the island. He didn’t need anything more to make him happy.

  He’d tried to forget her, but found it impossible. Strangers on the island reminded him of Arianne. Every place he went he’d wished she’d been with him to share the experience. He finally admitted defeat and sent the plane ticket. He left it formal so if she was angry she could easily refuse.

  He’d spent a gut-wrenching thirty minutes waiting for the plane to arrive and her to disembark. He wasn’t sure if she would come. He didn’t want to go back and beg, but if she hadn’t flown down to join him he knew he’d have returned to her on his knees.

  * * * *

  Feeling like a six-year-old, Arianne splashed in the surf, dug her toes into the sand and reveled in the warmth of the sun. At that moment she had not one care, responsibility, concern or worry in the whole world. She didn’t think about Derek or her reason for being on the island. She released herself to joy.

  Face shining, eyes sparkling and water dripping off her, Arianne stood in the sand and asked, “What are we going to do next?”

  “Sit here and watch the sun go down.” He patted the sand next to where he was sitting.

  “Derek Davenport watches sunsets?”

  * * * *

  “The sun never sets back home. By the time it’s night all the street lights and the neon signs go on. The buildings are too tall to see the horizon, so the sun seems to set behind them by two in the afternoon. Here, it slips down out there where the water runs over the edge of the earth.”

  “Where does it come up?”

  He twisted around and pointed. “Over there—on the other side of the island.”

  As they spoke, a car pulled up and parked beside Derek’s. Two people got out, nodded and sat on the sand facing the water. “Do you know them?” whispered Arianne. Derek shook his head. Within a few minutes more people arrived. Some came by bicycle and some walked, but all positioned themselves on the beach.

  There were occasional light murmurs of conversation, but a hushed serenity prevailed. The water lapped at the shoreline. A soft breeze rustled strands of hair. Arianne wanted to hold Derek’s hand. Her fingers edged along the sand. When he glanced over she was drawing random designs in the sand.

  There was spell being cast. Arianne didn’t understand it, but she could feel it happening. It was something she couldn’t define. But at the moment sharing this experience with Derek was almost emotionally overwhelming. She wanted to be held in his arms and feel his breath on the back of her neck. Her passion would have to wait, in anticipation, for that moment when the sun kissed the earth and when his lips would again touch hers. She drew a straight line in the sand between them then erased it. That was easy, now how to tear down the wall she had built between them.

  The light faded as the setting sun slipped behind the edge of the horizon.

  “That was spectacular,” whispered Arianne. “I’ve never seen anything that beautiful.”

  The people who’d witnessed the sunset all exited the bay the way they’d entered. Soon only Derek and Arianne were sitting on the sand. She leaned closer and asked, “Now what?”

  “Take you home. Let you change into something drier and a little more suitable for island life. Then out for supper?”

  “Oh, and dancing at one of those tropical island bars where the drinks are rum, coconut milk and ice. And have those little umbrellas in them. You know one of those little hedonism places where everyone is dancing and singing.”

  Derek chuckled. “I get the picture. Party animal Arianne is on the loose.”

  “Unless you had other plans.”

  “My plans are get up in the morning and go to bed sometime in the night.” He stood, offered his hand, helped her up, then headed for the jeep.

  They arrived at a large iron gate, which majestically opened as they approached. Lush tropical bush lined both sides of the driveway. Tall palm trees towered above them, their fronds swaying in the breeze. The mansion loomed up before her as they rounded the last corner. “Wow! I expected a quaint little grass hut.”

  Derek drove past the mansion and parked off to the side. He picked up Arianne’s suitcase and headed toward the house. The yard was a Hollywood fantasy; a large sparkling pool surrounded by flower gardens with a view over the green manicured lawn which shifted to white sand then blue rippling water. The white house behind her, contrasted against the intense colors that surrounded her. “I didn’t know which you would prefer. You may stay in the pool house, which is a small house or you may have your own area in the main house.”

  “Is there a third option?”

  He glanced sideways. “A hotel in town?”

  “No,” she whispered. “With you.”

  “Settle for across the hall.”

  She grabbed his arm and held him. “Why? Why not with you?”

  “I invited you down as a guest. It would be inappropriate for me to assume that—“

  “Hello, this is me, Arianne. The one you pay to sleep with you.”

  His voice held a hint of a growl. “And as your employer I set the rules. Are we good or do I call a cab to take you back to the airport?”

  It was a tempting tho
ught and Arianne debated taking the offer of a cab, but decided it was better if she stuck to her plan-make up or break. Smiling, to break the tension, she stepped into the house and gasped, “This is spectacular! So tropical. Just like in the movies.”

  “Cameron Styles used it in his last movie.”

  “I saw that movie. This was where he hid out while the FBI tracked him. He and Ursula Dresden made love in…your bedroom?”

  “No. They shot the interior scenes, but did most of the movie on a sound stage. Although they did have a wrap up party here that involved a very large insurance claim.”

  Arianne peeked into several rooms. “I feel like I’ve been here before. This is so cool. Is this my room?” She paused with her hand on a doorknob.

  “No, that’s my mother’s room. I think it would cause me permanent psychological damage if you slept there. You are the door to the right, or over here. I’d suggest that one. It has a view of the ocean.” Derek followed her into the room and placed the suitcase on her bed. “Dinner is casual.”

  “Give me twenty minutes to freshen up.”

  Derek paused at the door. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “I’m glad too.”

  Closing the door behind him, Arianne explored her room. A private bathroom and a walk-in closet bigger than my bedroom. I could so get used to being rich. Unpacking, she placed a bikini-type top and a wrap around skirt on her bed and tossed a pair of sandals nearby then placed everything else in her dresser drawers, closet or the bathroom. Quickly fixing her hair and applying a faint touch of makeup, she dressed and went in search of Derek.

  She found him in the main room gazing out the window at the ocean.

  “I’m ready.”

  He turned. “You look stunning.”

  “I got the hint about the credit card and bought some clothes to wear down here. I guessed my old shorts and t-shirts wouldn’t quite be the right style for the company you keep.”

  He picked up his car keys and headed for the door. “Which would you like a hamburger and beer or something fancy for supper?”

  “A hamburger is fine.”

  “Cap’n John’s it is then. Great burgers and beer.”

  Neither spoke during the trip to the restaurant. The warm night air was scented with the smell of the ocean. The starry sky faded as they entered the brightly lit city. The burgers and beer at Cap’n John’s were excellent, but the noise level in the restaurant made casual conversation difficult. Both Arianne and Derek were relieved at not having to think of some stimulating conversation. They stared at their drinks, their dinners and the other patrons.

  After exiting the bar, Arianne asked, “What next?”

  “One of the most exclusive clubs in the islands. For your first night here I think it is exactly what you are looking for.”


  “Been known to happen.” Derek drove to the opposite side of town, then left the city. Arianne could hear the music before she saw the club. She wasn’t impressed at first, just a large black gate with an equally large guard. Derek opened his wallet and pulled out five one-hundred dollar bills. Unsmiling, the guard opened the gate.

  “Was that the cover charge?” asked Arianne. Derek nodded. “Do you come here often?”

  Derek laughed. “Only when I’m on the island. Guess I’ll have to take you to a couple of clubs at home. A five hundred dollar cover charge is nothing.”

  “Does that get you free drinks or something?”

  “No, just admittance.”

  He parked his car and led her to two large wooden doors. A sign, in bright blue neon, proclaimed the name XX-Cit-Tation. He put his hand on the handle and paused. “You aren’t my date. You don’t have to spend the evening trying to entertain me. We are here because you are looking for some island fun. This is the place for it. There is very little that doesn’t happen here. They can get or do whatever you want. Think of this as an adult candy store.” He smiled. “I feel like saying one, two, three, go!”

  Chapter Ten

  The volume of the music tripled as the door swung open. The room was lit with flashing laser lights pulsing to the beat of the music. Underneath the lights, bodies danced, some fully clothed, some partially. Arianne stood next to Derek and surveyed the room.

  “Stay here a moment. I’ll get you a drink. I remember something with rum and a little umbrella. I’ll set up a tab so you can purchase whatever you want throughout the evening.”

  Derek slipped away. Arianne stood on the edge of the bustling dance floor and swayed her hips to the beat. A female and two males were dancing directly in front of her. While the one male removed the female’s blouse, the other smiled at Arianne and signaled her to join them. Attempting to decline graciously, Arianne smiled and shook her head. The topless female spun and danced with both men’s hands grabbing and stroking her breasts. The trio fell into the crowd of dancers and Arianne lost sight of them.

  Handing her a tall frosty glass of coconut milk, rum, pineapple juice and three little umbrellas, Derek smiled and nodded his head toward the dance floor. “This is not a normal club. Not what you’d be used to.”

  “I’m getting that impression.”

  “There’s nothing you can’t buy here and that pretty much goes for people too. Sign the receipt and they’ll put it on my tab. I am guessing you want to explore and play and not be hindered by me, so I’m going to go locate a poker game and try and lose some money. Ask any of the waiters where the poker room is if you want to find me. Have fun. And don’t be too inhibited.” Derek disappeared into the crowd.

  Two hours and three drinks later, Arianne had explored the four levels of the club. The level she started on was the main one. It had the dance floor and bar. The one above was the game floor. Several rooms were filled with people playing pool, or video games or gambling. She had spotted Derek seated at a poker table. There was a small mountain of chips in front of him. The top floor was filled with sex. Every unlocked room she peeked into had at least one couple engaged in some sexual activity.

  The basement intrigued her, locked doors behind which she heard moans, sighs and screams. The halls of the basement were deserted. She sat at the end of a hall for fifteen minutes. She wanted to know what was going on behind those doors. Her imagination gave her clues, but her curiosity wanted to know the reality.

  After finishing her drink, Arianne felt alone and abandoned so she returned to the poker room. Three of the eight players had super-model type women standing behind them. Derek was unescorted. His chip pile had grown larger than on her previous visit. Arianne entered and stood behind him. She placed a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up and then back at his cards.

  “I’ll raise you fifteen thousand.” He tossed his chips into the pile. Arianne snuck a glance at his cards. She bit her tongue and dug her fingernails into her palm. She didn’t know much about poker, but she knew she had to keep a straight face because Derek was bluffing.

  The bidding went around three more times. Only two players hadn’t folded, Derek and the man across the table. Arianne was trying to mimic his super-model escort’s bored expression. “I know you’re bluffing Davenport, so I’ll see your bid and raise you thirty thousand.”

  Derek tossed more chips onto the table and said, “See your thirty and raise you—” He counted chips and pushed them to the pile. “Another forty thousand.”

  The other player opened his cards, glanced at them and folded them. His eyes wandered around the table as he calculated the odds of what was in Derek’s hand. “I need to buy more chips. Another fifty thousand.” The dealer handed him a large pile of black and red striped chips. “And I want another scotch.” His escort scurried away.

  Derek leaned back in his chair. He remained intense and immobile. His gaze rarely shifted from his opponent’s face. A glass of scotch was placed on the table. The other player steadied his hand as he reached for it. “I’ll see your forty and raise you another fifty thousand.”

  “This is getting boring,�
� said Derek. “We’re playing for chicken feed.” Without looking at the dealer he asked for one hundred thousand in chips. One golden edged black chip was slid across the table to him. “I see your fifty thousand and raise you one hundred thousand.”

  “Damn!” The other player tossed his cards onto the pile. He had two pair, nines and jacks.

  “Gentlemen, it’s been fun.” To the dealer he said, “Please, cash me out.” Derek locked eyes with his opponent. “Mathesson. You don’t have any balls.” He tossed his cards, still folded and face down to the dealer.

  “I need to know what you had.” Mathesson stood and reached across the table.

  Derek placed one finger on his cards. His eyes never left Mathesson’s face, nor did they blink. He picked up his cards and handed them to the dealer who mixed them into the deck. “Excuse me, Arianne.” She moved so he could ease his chair back.

  Arianne leaned close to speak, but Derek hushed her. He collected his money, tipped the dealer and escorted Arianne downstairs to the dance floor. “Can I say it now?” Arianne asked. “You had nothing. A two, a five, a six, a jack and a ten. They weren’t even all the same color!”

  “You have to be a good poker player to be successful in business.”

  A waiter hurried over to Derek’s signal. “A scotch, straight up and something with rum and an umbrella for the lady.” The waiter disappeared and Derek continued his conversation with Arianne. “My dad taught me how to play poker when I was little. I refined the skill at college and have perfected it in the boardroom. I have pulled off a few deals that were bluffs as bad as that.”

  “Why didn’t you let him see your cards? I thought he was going to burst a heart valve with that look he gave you.”